For example imagine that you are a receptionist at a doctor's office talking (mechanical waves) and I am sitting in the doctor's waiting area around the corner (unseen) and the waves created by your voice while you gripe about making excuses for the doctor not being here travels though the air (medium) and to me the innocent victim you just told that the doctor would be with 'shortly'.
I am sure that being twelve and all did not realize that sound would do such a vicious thing. Travel beyond your intended target and into a room full of people you have been lying to all morning.
Another earth shattering revelation to those who are lucky enough to work in cube-ville.....the 'walls' that make up your little world are the equivalent of a bed sheet stretched across the wall so, sound travels through them as well. SO, while I am sure the person you are talking to over the phone is absolutely fascinated by who Jenny went home with Saturday, the rest of the people around you on the other side of the fancy bed sheet fall into one of several categories:
- don't give a hoot.
- REALLY don't care.
- are getting madder by the minute that you are not working.
- like Jenny and are getting ticked that you are talking about her.
- REALLY REALLY don't care.
- all of the above.
I was going to refrain from blogging again this week, but due to the nature of sound I learned so much here lately I just had to share.
I mean really. Grocery store chicky who was coming on to replace the other grocery store chicky got something painful pierced last week and is worried that it is now infected. (TMI BTW). The Doctor is taking a long lunch to stop at the bank. The possibilities are endless.
So remember, if you would not walk up to a total stranger and tell them about those sores don't say it to your friends in public where the rest of us have to absorb the sound waves you are throwing around willy nilly. Because I gotta say knowing about those sores is not something anyone else (including your friend really) wants to know.
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