Saturday, January 15, 2011


So, I am nuts.  We all know this it is nothing new. At least a couple of times every week someone who knows I drive 50 miles one way to work every day from Lead to Rapid City comments on my commute. "How was your drive today?", "You drive from Lead everyday?" etc.

My IL friends would be horrified by the 50 mile thing, my SD friends are horrified by the hour drive thing.  But here is THE thing as far as I am concerned.  It is an hour (as in ONE hour) everyday.  If traffic is bad, it is still an hour.  If roads are bad icy it might be an hour and a half. But it is an hour I can count on every time I drive it.

An hour driving through my choice of scenic highways through the Black Hills.  An hour where I am not working, or shopping , or cooking, or doing anything really.  If I time it right I can see the sunrise as I cruise through Boulder Canyon, or the sun setting behind the hills. I can blast the radio or not. I can call my sister and talk to her answering machine since she is never home.  It is me time really.

And unlike the 20 miles I drove in IL that might have taken 30 minutes or two hours, I could synchronize my watch by the time it takes me to make the drive.  Granted sometimes in the winter it is a white knuckle, tooth grinding affair that involves a lot of praying the moron next to me does not hit me and swearing as the ice decides what direction my car should be going in for the most part it is an hour I really enjoy.

Just sayin.

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